James Kennedy: The Spanish Influenza Pandemic in Scotland: Thursday 5th March 2020

The last talk of the 2019-20 session is also coincidentally the most topical in the light of the worldwide threat from the recently identified coronavirus. James Kennedy, historian and former nurse, is a Scottish authority on the 1918-20 'Spanish' flu pandemic; he has written and lectured extensively on this subject and the Society is fortunate to have him as guest speaker at its March meeting.

A contemporary poster with similar advice to that being issued by
health authorities in 2020. (© The Red Cross)

A ward in an emergency hospital. (© The National Museum of Health and Medicine)

Evening meetings of the Society are at 7.30 pm in the Park Centre, 45 Kerr Street, Kirkintilloch, G66 1LF. The annual membership subscription is £10; visitors are welcome at all of the Society's evening events but a donation of £3 is requested.