The last talk of the 2019-20 session is also coincidentally the most topical in the light of the worldwide threat from the recently identified coronavirus. James Kennedy, historian and former nurse, is a Scottish authority on the 1918-20 'Spanish' flu pandemic; he has written and lectured extensively on this subject and the Society is fortunate to have him as guest speaker at its March meeting.
A contemporary poster with similar advice to that being issued by health authorities in 2020. (© The Red Cross) |
A ward in an emergency hospital. (© The National Museum of Health and Medicine) |
Evening meetings of the Society are at 7.30 pm in the Park Centre, 45 Kerr Street, Kirkintilloch, G66 1LF. The annual membership subscription is £10; visitors are welcome at all of the Society's evening events but a donation of £3 is requested.