Visit to Town Hall Heritage Centre and Exhibition, Tuesday 11th March

Sixteen members of  the Society visited Kirkintilloch Town Hall at on the 11th March 2025 for a guided tour of the Cultural and Heritage exhibitions on display for the Local History Month programme organised by East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust.

After being welcomed by curator Jennifer Binnie, the group was guided into the ground floor of the centre which has been refurbished into a multipurpose facility for conferences, business meetings, and various theatrical and musical events. As many of us will have remembered it was also where we were invited to attend by Public Health Scotland for immunisation against Covid and flu. The second floor was of particular interest as it is here that most of the exhibits were on display from the timeline of Kirkintilloch in history with particular emphasis on the importance of its transport connections( the Forth and Clyde Canal and railways) and industrial ( weaving, boat building and foundries) past. Exhibits based on local notable personalities ( Bain, Cowan and Clugston) were greatly appreciated as there was acknowledgment of the contributions made  to these exhibits by members of the Society. a good feeling reinforced by the display of 'bits and pieces' photographs provided by local historians.

A most interesting afternoon was rounded off over a cup of tea and an opportunity to reflect on the various exhibits and to thank the staff for their input and hospitality. 

Photo by Ivan and Ruth Ruddock

Public talk for Local History Month, Wednesday 19th March at 2pm in the Park Centre: Developing Lenzie by Design: Alexander Thomson, Robert Turnbull and their lasting impact.

As part of Local History Month 2025, the Kirkintilloch and District Society of Antiquaries will host a public lecture in the Park Centre, 45 Kerr Street, Kirkintilloch, G66 1LF on Wednesday 19th March at 2pm on ‘Alexander “Greek” Thomson’ by Dominic d’Angelo, Chair of the Alexander Thomson Society. Dominic will discuss the work of Alexander 'Greek’ Thomson with particular reference to his early coastal villas at Cove and Kilcreggan, and his late designs and posthumous work used in developing Dullatur and Lenzie carried out by his last partner, Robert Turnbull, and architect successor, the (unrelated) David Thomson.

Dominic d’Angelo was for many years Secretary of The Alexander Thomson Society and became Chair in 2023. He currently produces weekly free-to-view articles on aspects of Alexander Thomson’s life and work at 


Warwick Croft, 10 Heriot Road, Lenzie. 

Heritage Centre and Exhibition at the Town Hall, Tuesday 11th March, 2pm

We have arranged a visit to the Heritage Centre and Exhibition at Kirkintilloch Town Hall in Union Street on Tuesday 11th March at 2pm. We need to confirm the expected numbers in advance, so if you would like to attend, please drop an email to giving the names of everyone who will be coming by noon on Monday 10th March.

Assemble at 1.55pm in the foyer of the Centre where we will be met by Jenifer Binnie, principal curator, who will give the group a guided tour of the various cultural, heritage and industrial exhibitions on display. The tour will last about 60 minutes at the end of which it is hoped that there will be additional time to consider the displays including that of Edward Smith and Don Martin.

Symington and the Charlotte Dundas by Don Martin MBE. Thursday 6th March at 7:30pm in the Park Centre

 Our next meeting will be on Thursday 6th March at 7:30pm in the Park Centre, when Don Martin MBE will give a talk on "Symington and the Charlotte Dundas". Don Martin has been a member of Kirkintilloch Society of Antiquaries for half a century, serving as an office-bearer for much of the time. He has researched many aspects of Kirkintilloch history and written several books on the subject, as well as providing many talks for the Antiquaries. At present he is carrying out further research into the Monkland & Kirkintilloch Railway, the 200th anniversary of which will take place in 2026.

Closely related to public railway history is the history of steam navigation, especially on rivers and canals. Don Martin will explain how the trials by William Symington of the Charlotte Dundas on the Forth & Clyde Canal, especially in 1803, effectively demonstrated the vessel as "the world's first practical steamboat". In this way, the people of Kirkintilloch witnessed significant early advances in mechanical navigation, as well as hosting a significant early railway.

Members' Night: Theme "A precious thing". Thursday 20th February, 7:30pm.

 Our next meeting will be in the Park Centre on Thursday 20th February at 7:30pm. The theme for Members' Night this year is "a precious thing", and five speakers will give short presentations on this topic. The themes are designed to be as broad as possible, hopefully leading to wide range of interpretations. How will this year's speakers develop this theme? Come along next Thursday and find out. 

City of Glasgow Police - 175 Years of History by Alastair Dinsmor MBE. Thursday 6th February, 7:30pm

The presentation ‘City of Glasgow Police – 175 Years of History’ encapsulates the founding and development of the UK’s first police force in 1779 and the subsequent granting of The Glasgow Police Act 1800 by King George III. The progress from the early days with innovation and enthusiastic political support brought many changes to the force as it absorbed surrounding burghs as the City grew.  The activities of the detectives in dealing with landmark criminal cases and the development of their investigative skills and procedures enhanced their reputation both locally and nationally.  The 20th century brought increasing demands which were tackled with thoroughness and both World Wars demanded a high level of planning and co-ordination.  The force continued its service to the City until 15 May 1975 when it became part of Strathclyde Police.

Photo courtesy of Alastair Dinsmor

Alastair Dinsmor joined the Renfrew and Bute constabulary as a Police Cadet in 1965 and in 1968 was appointed Constable. In 1969 he transferred into the City of Glasgow Police and served in the south side of the City. In 1975 Strathclyde Police was formed and he was promoted to Sergeant in 1977 and Inspector in 1986. Alastair retired from Strathclyde Police with rank of Inspector in 1998. He established the Glasgow Police Heritage Society in 1999, and we opened the Glasgow Police Museum in 2002. The award-winning museum is in Glasgow city centre and attracts 12,000 visitors per year. In 2016 Alastair received an MBE for services to Police Heritage.